We improve surgery outcome with the help of patient-specific biomechanical models
PD Dr. Jonas Widmer Group Leader Spine BiomechanicsProfil
Dr. Tobias Götschi Project LeaderProfil
Mauro Suter Technician
Dr. Marie-Rosa Fasser Postdoc
Moritz Jokeit PhD Student
Mohsen Khodaee PhD Student
Tim Keller PhD Student
Dr. med. Jana Felicitas Schader PhD Student
Gordian Banzer PhD Student
Raluca Barna PhD Student
Marcos Costa Software Engineer
Oliver Wigger Research Fellow
Ramon Rohner Research Fellow
Gian Maranta Research Fellow
Anna Schuler Research Fellowship
Nikita Sutter Research Fellowship
Artsiom Klimko Intern
Prof. Dr. med. Mazda Farshad Medical Director Chair of Orthopedics, Surgeon in Chief
PD Dr. Reto Sutter Chief of Radiology Member of the Leadership Team
PD Dr. med. Patrick Zingg Head of Hip and Pelvis Surgery Deputy Chair of Orthopedic Surgery
PD Dr. med. Nadja Farshad Senior Consultant Radiology
Dr. med. José Miguel Spirig Consultant Spine Surgeon
Dr. med. univ. Florian Wanivenhaus Consultant Spine Surgery
Dr. med. Armando Hoch Junior Consultant / Hip Fellow and Pelvis Surgery
Dr. med. Michael Betz Senior Consultant Spine Surgery
Dr. med. Christoph Laux Consultant Spine Surgery
Dr. med., MAS MP Frédéric Cornaz Consultant i.V., Spine Fellow
Dr. med. univ. Anna-Katharina Calek Consultant i.V. Spine Fellow